Survey: Knee Osteoarthritis-RM150

by Atika Ramlan on 11:12 AM

A market research company in KL is looking for Chinese, Malay or Indians age 40-65 years old who are suffering from knee osteoarthritis. They must be diagnosed by the doctor to be suffering from this condition (not self diagnosis) & taking some form of medication.

Knee Osteoarthritis
Is a joint disease that causes the cushion layer between your bones (called cartilage) to wear away. It is also called degenerative joint disease.

What is osteoarthritis
Within a joint there is a very smooth fibrous connective tissue, known as articular cartilage. This covers the areas where each bone comes into contact with one another (articular surfaces).
In a normal joint this articular cartilage allows for smooth movement within the joint as well as acting as a shock absorber. In addition to this cartilage is another tissue, known as the synovial membrane, which produces synovial fluid that lubricates the joint.
Osteoarthritis (also called degenerative joint disease) is the degradation and degeneration of this articular cartilage. As the disease progresses, the cartilage itself becomes thinner and in some cases may wear away altogether.

Venue : Mid Valley
Token : RM150/person
Language: English
Timing : early Dec09

If anyone is interested to participate, pls email ur name, age, contact to Thanks.
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